Virginia Halstead

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Glass Half Full

It seems like everyone I know is insanely busier than usual. And not just la-la-la busy doing fun stuff, but dealing with annoying tedious tasks – and/or coping with more serious and stressful life issues. I’m in the same boat. These past few weeks have been really challenging. Might not be hard stuff for someone else, but it is for me.

I noticed myself unloading on my friends and family more than I’d like to admit, and I’m sure it’s more than they’d like to hear as well. I just couldn’t help it. I’ve been inundated with all sorts of work, life, and house stuff happening at once and unexpectedly. I’m working long days…which unhappily stretch into the evenings. Weekend? Ha! Weakened is more like it.

The other day, I was misery-loves-company grousing with a friend who has had her share of truly unfortunate events happening one right after the other. We’re both bleary-eyed tired and brain-fogged overwhelmed. She said something to me about how her sister looks at life glass-half-full. When she said that, a calm washed over me because just imagining being like that [instead of my tortured whining miserable half-empty state of being] made me feel better. Right then and there, I decided to try it.

So, I’ve been trying to spew out less woes, complaints, and angst by looking at things differently: At least I still have water in my glass (so many things to be grateful for)! Oh yeah, there are some days when I just can’t see that half-way mark. But if I stop. breathe. look inward with kindness - - I can see… yes…my glass is…a teeny bit fuller after all.